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Installing a restaurant outdoor terrace: prepare for the summer season

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2025.02.27

Spring is just around the corner, so now is a great time to think about installing outdoor terraces. A suitable outdoor terrace will delight visitors throughout the warm season and generate more profit. What you need to know before installing an outdoor terrace:   First, you should inqui...

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Contract furniture for educational spaces?

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2025.02.03

Contract furniture is also a great selection for a wide range of educational institutions, such as schools, kindergartens or universities. In such places, it is essential to provide durable and high-quality furniture that can complement libraries, lounges, dining spaces and classrooms. This furnitur...

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Contract furniture - what is it?

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2025.01.22

"Contract furniture" is furniture for commercial, business, educational or various public spaces with a high turnover of visitors. Such furniture is manufactured according to specific standards and is often certified to ensure durability, functionality and safety.  Furniture for public spaces is ...

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Outdoor umbrellas - Shade with Style

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2024.04.08

Summer is one of the most beautiful seasons while everyone enjoys warm days, spends much more time in the fresh air and dine outside. Talking about dining outside, it is important to prepare your restaurant terrace properly so your visitors can feel comfortable.  In addition to choosing comfortab...

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Why is plastic outdoor furniture a good option for restaurant terrace?

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2024.03.26

Plastic furniture - there are a lot of opinions about it. Some people don't like plastic as a material in general. Others prefer more natural materials, while many others like plastic for its durability and ease of maintenance. We work with contract furniture for more than 10 years and we kno...

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Discover Our Budapest Studio!

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2024.03.25

We’re very pleased to announce, for those who don’t know yet, that we have our studio in Budapest located in the heart of the city, right near the majestic Budapest Parliament.   Step into our studio and discover our most interesting furniture samples, from indoor to outdoor models, carefully se...

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Order furniture in advance!

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2023.08.21

Everybody knows that the construction process is quite difficult, unexpected and almost every time delayed. While working on your existing or new restaurant space opening don’t forget about the last touch - the furniture.  Take some time to search and order furniture in advance. By planning ahead y...

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5 mistakes restaurant owners do while choosing furniture

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2023.07.14

While working with restaurants and providing them the right furniture for their spaces, we observed several common mistakes that restaurant owners sometimes make while choosing furniture. Here are 5 of them to avoid: Ordering furniture last minute: Many restaurant owners leaves the furniture sel...

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Reveal the charm of your autumn outdoor terrace with table heaters!

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2023.08.28

Cozy Outdoor Dining with our New Heater Tables? Yes please! As the seasons change and the air gets a bit crisper, there's no need to bid farewell to outdoor dining. We're excited to introduce our latest assortment update that's sure to keep the outdoor dining experience warm and invit...

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From closer. Lounge terrace. Lounge Komodo 5 sofa.

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2019.05.14

From closer. Lounge terrace. Lounge Komodo 5 sofa....

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How should restaurant table top surfaces be cleaned during Covid-19?

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2020.10.27

   Since Covid-19 has touched our lives very strongly we must comply with cleanliness and other security measures even more than we did before. Public spaces which have large customer turnover must ensure that frequently touched surfaces are cleaned and disinfected more frequently than usual.    ...

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A more convenient solution. Giravolta lamp.

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2019.05.28

A more convenient solution. Giravolta lamp....

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What you might not have known about us!

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2019.03.05

CUSTOMIZED FURNITURE PRODUCTION   We know how sometimes that one and only dream piece of furniture keeps swirling around somewhere deep in your fantasies, and yet is so difficult to actually find. Tell us about it! And what we will do, is make it yours – real and individual – according to your cho...

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There is a place - "Genys Taproom"

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2019.05.07

There is a place - "Genys Taproom"    ...

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Spring season news!

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2019.05.02

Spring season news!...

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There is a place - "Kavalierius"

Mindaugas Vitkus
Mindaugas Vitkus     2018.10.22

There is a place - "Kavalierius"  ...

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There is a place - "Cofmos Coffee"

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2019.02.26

Dar viena vieta ir šį kartą tikrai kosmosinė!  Mes jau girdėjome istoriją apie giedrą rudens naktį, žvaigždes ir kavą. Dabar norime pasidalinti su jumis. Todėl pristatome @cofmos. Alternatyvią Vilniaus vietą, kuri dovanoja ne tik skanų kavos puodelį, bet ir erdvę bendravimui.  Skanaus!   Istori...

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There is a place - "Cask 215"

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2019.02.26

Tęsiame ir toliau savo įkvepiantį projektą apie patrauklias ir įdomias vietas, kurios traukia savo jaukia aplinka bei skaniu maistu. Trečioji YRA TOKIA VIETA istorija nusikelia į patį saulės miestą - Šiaulius! Lankomės bare Cask 215 apie kurį jau tikriausiai esat viena ausim nugirdę iš kaimyno, tik...

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There is a place - "Bravo baldai"

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2018.10.22

There is a place - "Bravo baldai"  ...

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Counter stool or bar stool - which one to choose?

Mindaugas Vitkus
Mindaugas Vitkus     2018.01.09

Susidomėjimas pusbario kėdėmis vis auga, tačiau jų asortimentas dar nėra toks platus kaip baro kėdžių. Kada reikia rinktis pusbario, o kada baro kėdes, kokios yra jų funkcijos bei pasirinkimas? Apie tai plačiau II vloge! Vlogas naujosios eros Lietuvos kūrėjams, interjero gurmanams ir kultūros chul...

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First vlog on air!

Mindaugas Vitkus
Mindaugas Vitkus     2018.01.08

Finally, my first video blog is on air! I was dreaming about it for about few years and here I am. First of all, I will introduce myself, I will tell you about my activities and passions, which daily attracts me to new challenges. If you are interested in furniture and interior design and about ev...

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Spoga Gafa 2017

Mindaugas Vitkus
Mindaugas Vitkus     2017.09.11

Pirmąją įžymiąją Spoga Gafa parodą Kelno mieste Vokietijoje aplankiau dar 5 metus atgal. Tuo metu nieko nežinojau apie šią parodą, žinojau tik tiek, kad ji tokia didžiausia Europoje ir kad kiekvienas lauko baldų srities profesionalas turi čia apsilankyti. Apsilankiau ir aš. Ir po pirmojo apsilankym...

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BRAVO BALDAI virsmas pačiais savimi

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2017.01.24

Tikriausiai nedaugelis mūsų klientų žino 5 metų amžiaus BRAVO BALDAI istoriją. Tiesą sakant, jos tikriausiai niekam ir nepasakojome. Tad kodėl, būtent dabar, pasirodė metas atvirumo valandėlei? Tai pats idealiausias metas, nes BRAVO BALDAI prekės ženklas, iki šiol tebesislapstęs po UAB „Prime choice...

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Pirmasis BRAVO įrašas!

BRAVO komanda
BRAVO komanda     2016.12.06

Sveikiname visus, išvydusius pirmąį BRAVO BALDAI tinklaraščio įrašą! Čia kviesime tuos, kuriems artima interjero dizaino tema, ir tuos, kurie ieško įkvėpimo savo verslo bei namų interjerui. Mes nuolatos sukamės baldų pasaulyje ir savo kasdienybėje sutinkamais atradimais norime dalintis su jumis. Te...

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